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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

Extra Indexes

Syntax: select-box for index type and table, text box to enter index name and fields

Extra Indexes may be created to improve search performance and accuracy in situations where the main text index (Index Fields) and/or its Compound Index Fields are not sufficient. They are not generally created unless suggested by Thunderstone tech support for certain queries.

Note that creating an extra index on a large-data profile may take several minutes or more. If the index Type is not Metamorph nor Metamorph Inverted, creating the index may also impede walks or other database modifications. Non-Metamorph/Metamorph Inverted indexes should therefore be created before the profile is walked or populated with data to avoid this issue, if possible. Extra Indexes should only be created when the profile is not actively walking, to minimize load and potential walk impediments.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Mar 21 2023